In an increasingly connected world, transparency has become the new norm. We work every day to be an ethical company.

On this page you will find the content relating to the transparency of i-CITY, namely
- the headings referred to in article 6 ยง1 of the joint decree and ordinance of the Brussels-Capital Region, the Joint Community Commission and the French Community Commission of 16 May 2019 on the publicity of the administration in the Brussels institutions;
- the transparency report ;
i-CITY does not provide any grants. This section is therefore empty.
Discover the studies carried out for i-CITY by an external partner. The inventory mentions, for each study, the identity of its author, i.e. the name of the legal or physical person to whom the study was entrusted, as well as its cost.
Job offers at i-CITY can be consulted on the 'Employment' page of this site.
As regards decisions to recruit, promote or replace A-level staff, i-CITY is a non-profit organisation and no A-level statutory staff are employed.
The transparency report
Discover the transparency report which includes the information listed in article 7 of the joint ordinance of the Brussels-Capital Region and the Joint Community Commission of 14 December 2017 on the transparency of the remuneration and benefits of Brussels public officials.