A strong corporate culture that motivates our employees
in their daily work

Our DNA includes the i-CITY Values on which all our actions are based: commitment, user orientation and solution orientation. These three values are the foundation of our corporate culture and motivate our employees in their daily work.
Other values are also an integral part of the i-CITY culture. "ONE TEAM" is the cornerstone of our approach to managing projects and existing solutions. Green IT, an essential and indispensable axis to help us adopt new sustainable and responsible practices. Making people central to our actions, thinking about users, developing solutions and also ensuring that our employees find meaning and fulfilment in their work. Inclusion and diversity inspire our recruitment policy, while training and knowledge sharing allow our talents to grow their skills and expertise. Finally, a work-life balance is implemented through a 'hybrid' working model and NWoW (New Way of Working).
The 3 values of i-CITY
At i-CITY, we are committed to everything we do.
The management contract structures our commitment to the City, the Public Education Department and Brussels non-profit organisations, as well as all our activities for a period of six years. Our contribution to the City of Brussels’ transition to a smart city for the benefit of all citizens is clearly defined. This is the basis for the various transformation programmes and our management of existing solutions.
Commitment at i-CITY also means daring to take initiatives and undertaking all the necessary actions to ensure the success of the projects. Our commitment does not stop when the solution is delivered. Throughout its lifespan, we make sure that it is effective and that we make the necessary changes to guarantee its full performance.
User orientation
Meeting users' expectations and cultivating a relationship of trust with them, making them participants in and co-creators of the solution is essential to ensure their full satisfaction. To maximise their experience, we focus on putting ourselves in their shoes and including them in the thought process throughout the project so that we can identify and understand their needs and ensure appropriate solutions and services.
Solution orientation
Encountering 'difficulties' when creating and producing a new solution is part of the journey. It is also part of the process to experience an incident in the life of an asset. For us, being solution-oriented means finding constructive, pragmatic and adapted solutions and resolutions. At i-CITY, we always stay positive and reactive. An unexpected problem is an opportunity to evolve and learn, to do better than the day before!
Our DNA is also
Making people central to what we do
Without our employees’ talent, there are no solutions. Ensuring their well-being and development is essential for retaining their full potential for our users. We are committed to providing a good work-life balance, are inclusive and support our employees in developing their skills. We also offer them the option to come to work by bike or scooter through the bike policy.
Making users central to our approach is essential given the multitude of different users in the City of Brussels. We need to develop solutions that correspond to each one: administrative agents, active citizens, seniors, students, teachers, non-profit organisations, etc.
One Team
At i-CITY, we work with ONE TEAM in both our projects and the services we provide on a daily basis, and through employee initiatives for the community. Solidarity, exchange, cohesion and collaborative work are essential to the success of our projects and maintaining quality services over time.
We support all employee initiatives that promote this spirit of cohesion. Our sports committee, for example, organises weekly sports activities at lunchtimes or at weekends. The "magic moments": afterwork evenings, team building, HR coffees, etc. are also valuable moments for ensuring cohesion between teams. Because we believe in the adage that a happy employee is also a happy user!
Training and knowledge sharing
We are committed to our employees’ development and enabling them to enhance their skills through external and internal training. In addition to the training catalogue, 'Train the trainer' is widely used at i-CITY to encourage skills development and the professionalisation of practices: root cause analysis, project management, process improvement, Lean Six Sigma... all subjects that certain experienced colleagues master and share during training/introduction sessions open to all.
At the beginning of 2022, at the initiative of a colleague, the concept of 'Buddies and Padawan' was also launched. The idea is simple: colleagues who have mastered a function, a technology or a particular skill become 'Buddies' and offer to share their knowledge, skills and attitudes with Padawans in the organisation who need support. Developing talents, enriching each other, is part of i-CITY's DNA.
Work/life balance
Work/life balance is a concept that has evolved enormously in recent years, particularly as a result of the health crisis. Today, the hybrid working model is on the rise and is also a reality at i-CITY. The flexibility offered by remote working is a real added value for employees. The New Way of Working also allows for greater collaboration between teams and a more transversal way of working.
Inclusion and diversity
We make sure that everyone feels included and that they belong. The diversity that we have, both in terms of culture and work experience, is enriching. It provides us with new perspectives, which stimulate ideas and the co-creation of solutions.
Gender diversity is an integral part of our objectives. We are very proud to have a gender-balanced management committee and ONE Managing Director. We also pay particular attention to highlighting initiatives that tend to favour the presence of women in the IT professions.
Green IT
Today, more than ever, adopting sustainable behaviour is essential. Since 2019, we have been developing increasingly green habits: frequent cleaning of our mailboxes, consciously preserving our batteries, giving several lives to our computer equipment, developing sustainable solutions...
2021 saw a decisive moment in our green approach when our President, Fabian Maingain signed the ISIT (Institute for Sustainable IT) Responsible Digital Charter. We continue to evolve and take action to become exemplary in terms of sustainability.