"BXL2021 is one of the most value-creating master programmes for the City and its citizens, and we are all (the teams involved in the City, all the Project and Program Managers, developers, analysts, support teams), together, the technological builders," explains Raf Louis of the DPF (Digital Process Factory). Because creating this new experience for citizens with their city requires creating an omnichannel digital platform that meets all the needs of today's and tomorrow's citizens and agents, fed with authentic data and perfectly integrated to digitise and optimise the user
In order to allow citizens to access libraries during the week, in the evening and at weekends, the City of Brussels has installed Open+ at the Bruegel Library. i-CITY has contributed to the project as Anne-Gaëlle Dutoit and Bénédicte Galmart - analysts for the Libraries Applications & Public Instruction team - have helped to install this new innovative system and the product comes from the catalogue of a supplier with which i-CITY has concluded a contract this year.
How does the Open+ service work?